A sweary—and expertly punctuated—weblog.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Texas, our Texas

Texas is a great place to study patriotism gone wrong.

In our Thanksgiving road-tripping, we've seen a few "Texas edition" F-150s and Silverados. As best as I can determine, though, Ford and Chevy don't actually produce Texas edition trucks. It's just a custom decal kit, something you can put on your truck to promote the my-state-can-beat-up-your-state arrogance for which Texas is (justifiably) well-known. And I'll be honest: I'm often convinced that the "everything is bigger in Texas" mentality can only be explained by widespread small-phallus overcompensation. So maybe dealers should put one of these in the glove compartment of each "Texas edition" pickup.


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

I been there, some things are bigger, the egos, and how mad they get when you "make" their dog freak out and try to attack you by ringing the doorbell. Excuse me, I didn't overpay for that slobber machine.

wadeanderin said...

dad will be so proud...

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